• Riding past Big Mamma - a giant of the forest near Derby.
    Riding past Big Mamma - a giant of the forest near Derby.

Logging at Derby

In the coming weeks it’s expected that Forestry Tasmania will begin clearfell logging operations on coupe CC104B; a section of forest that runs next to Krushkas trail and Big Mamma – the huge tree that serves as a landmark on this trail.

Understandably, this has many mountain bikers concerned about the popular Blue Derby trail network, as well as the spectacular forest that surrounds this small town in North Eastern Tasmania. Fuel has been added by a mainstream media report where Greg Howard (mayor of Derby) is quoted as saying, “One of the big fallacies that has been trotted out by the tourism operators and the people that are pushing their own political agendas is that mountain bike riding is a wilderness experience and it’s not – mountain bike riding is a thrill-seeking experience.”

Riding past Big Mamma - a giant of the forest near Derby.
Riding past Big Mamma - a giant of the forest near Derby.

We enjoy a thrill as much as anyone but the lush forests of North East Tasmania really set this place apart from other destinations. For us it’s a big draw card and riding through a burnt clearfell wasteland certainly doesn’t hold the same appeal.

While we’re not going to suggest that the clearfell logging of native forest is okay, we have been told that the activity won’t impact on the trail network or the nature based side of the mountain biking experience at Derby. The area in question was a working forest long before mountain biking came to Derby and much of the land has been impacted by mining activities in years passed. Prior to the trail project, there was detailed consultation with Forestry Tasmania some logging coupe boundaries were actually shifted to allow for better trail alignment. The latest information we have is that Forestry Tasmania will leave a minimum 40-meter buffer between Krushkas and the logging activities.

Blue Derby's Portfolio Expands

In the meantime, the Blue Derby network continues to grow with new trails being built in close to Derby as well as near Weldborough. The lower portion of the Big Chook trail is now complete with the full World Trail built descent of the Blue Tier expected to come online later this year.

From there, the next phase is expected to include a climbing trail that links Weldborough pub with the top of Atlas. Once complete this will form a one-way trip from the top of the Blue Tier, down through Weldborough and then down the amazing Atlas trail back to Derby—it’s going to be epic!



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